
Designing Economic Cultures is a research project that sets out to investigate the relationship between socio-economic precarity and the production of socially and politically engaged design projects.

The fundamental question the project poses is:
how can designers, who through their work want to question and challenge the prevalent economic system, gain a satisfying degree of social and economic security without having to submit themselves to the commercial pressures of the market?  Read more ›

Construction site for non-affirmative practice

Constructive Dismantling

My Castle Is Your Castle

VAT and surroundings – seminar with Dario Banfi

Dario Banfi, member of ACTA (Associazione Consulenti Terziario Avvanzato), gave us an introduction to the tax regulations for freelance workers in Italy.

Now we know for sure that things look pretty dark in Italy for freelancers and Dario’s main advise could be recapped ironically as “try to make lots of money now because you will not have any fixed pension.”

Here you can download Dario’s slides with the nitty-gritty of the Italian tax system.

ACTA – Associazione Consulenti Terziario Avvanzato

Vita da freelance by Dario Banfi and Sergio Bologna

We would like to thank Giovanna Zanghellini for having co-organised this session.